- ANZSCO详细职业描述
- 对应学历与推荐学校
- 新西兰就业情况
- 短缺行业
- 顾问主观评论
- 创造旋律、和声和节奏的结构,以音乐形式表达思想和情感;creating melodic, harmonic and rhythmic structures to express ideas and emotions in musical form;
- 将想法和概念转化为标准的音乐标志和符号,用于复制和表演;translating ideas and concepts into standard musical signs and symbols for reproduction and performance;
- 在为电视广告,流行录音和电台作曲时进行研究和与客户联络,电视和电影制作;undertaking research and liaising with clients when composing musical backing for television commercials, popular recordings, and radio, television and film productions ;
- 试听和选择音乐家和歌手;auditioning and selecting musicians and Singers;
- 选择音乐表演和为音乐家指定乐器部分;selecting music for performances and assigning instrumental parts to musicians;
- 指导音乐团体进行排练和表演,以达到预期的效果,如音调和谐音平衡,节奏和节奏;directing musical groups at rehearsals and performances to achieve desired effects such as tonal and harmonic balance, rhythm and tempo;
- 学习和排练曲目表演前的乐谱,演奏中的音乐;studying and rehearsing repertoire and musical scores prior to performances;
- 作为伴奏者,或作为管弦乐队,乐队或其他音乐团体的成员,从乐谱和记忆;playing music in recital, as an accompanist, or as a member of an orchestra, band or other musical group, from score and by memory;
- 根据演绎,方向和演示风格表演音乐和歌曲,使用高度发达的听觉技巧来重现音乐。performing music and songs according to interpretation, direction and style of presentation, using highly developed aural skills to reproduce music.
在新西兰,科班的音乐教育由新西兰音乐学院(New Zealand School of Music)与几所大学联合提供,如惠灵顿维多利亚大学与梅西大学;此外,奥克兰大学也有完整的音乐学院等。除了大学的音乐教育外,还有优秀的国立理工学院与私立院校提供音乐课程。