• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论
  • 评估病人心理和身体状况,确定心理、情绪和行为异常的原因和程度;assessing patients’ mental and physical status to determine the nature and extent of mental, emotional and behavioural disorders
  • 评估病人医疗、精神病和心理疾病的病史;assessing patients’ medical, psychiatric and psychological histories
  • 检查病人,确定总体身体状况;examining patients to determine general physical condition
  • 进行实验测试、影像学、神经心理测试和其他诊断程序;ordering laboratory tests, imaging, neuropsychological tests and other diagnostic procedures
  • 检查测试结果,确定最适合的治疗方式;examining the results of tests and examinations to determine the most appropriate forms of treatment
  • 规定药物、心理疗法和其他身体治疗方式和恢复疗程;prescribing and administering medication, psychotherapy, and other physical treatments and rehabilitation programs
  • 安排住院,提供住院治疗;arranging admission to hospitals and providing in-patient treatment
  • 咨询、监督并与其他医疗从业者和专家一起工作;consulting, supervising and working with other Medical Practitioners and Health Professionals
  • 根据病人心理健康状况确定其是否需要接受无意识的治疗;determining whether patients require involuntary treatment in accordance with relevant mental health acts
  • 协助法院和其他法定机构处理病人法律相关事宜;assisting courts and other statutory bodies in managing patients in legal and forensic settings
  • 指导医疗专业学生和医师,通过考试评估其学业情况。teaching medical students and registrars, and assessing their progress by administering tests



  • 在奥塔哥大学或奥克兰大学完成1年的医学预科;complete the Health Sciences First Year programme at the University of Otago, or the first year of either the Bachelor of Health Sciences or Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science at Auckland University
  • 在奥塔哥大学或奥克兰大学完成5年的临床医学本科;complete a five-year Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) degree at Otago or Auckland
  • 在医院完成1至2年的临床实习工作;work for one to two years as a house officer (supervised junior doctor) in a hospital
  • 完成皇家澳新精神病医学院为期5年的专科学习与实习。complete another five years of training through the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Fellowship programme. This includes on-the-job training in different specialisations, and passing examinations to become a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.



  • 为地区卫生委员会(DHB)工作的实习医生通常年薪在7.2万纽币至17.8万纽币之间。
  • 为地区卫生委员会(DHB)工作的合格精神病医生的收入通常在15.2万到21.7万纽币之间。
  • 在私营企业工作的精神病医生年薪最多可达60万纽币。





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  • Jing
    Jing 05/10/2018 11:56
