• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论


  • 准备和维护苗床和种植场地;reparing and maintaining seedbeds and growing sites
  • 繁殖和种植树木、灌木、树篱、花卉和球茎;propagating and planting trees, bushes, hedges, flowers and bulbs
  • 通过铺撒表层土壤和种草,以及铺设即时草皮来准备草坪区域;preparing lawn areas by spreading top soil and planting grass, and by laying instant turf
  • 通过除草、修剪、施肥、浇水和修剪来维护种植和草地;maintaining planted and grassed areas by weeding, trimming, fertilising, watering and mowing
  • 修剪树木和树篱,安装植物支撑和保护装置;pruning trees and hedges, and installing plant support and protection devices
  • 准备计划和图纸,选择材料和植物,安排景观建设;preparing plans and drawings, selecting materials and plants, and scheduling landscape construction
  • 设置和安装硬景观和软景观结构;setting out and installing hardscape and softscape structures
  • 建造砾石和铺设区域,墙壁,篱笆,藤架,池塘,烧烤和花园家具;constructing gravel and paved areas, walls, fences, pergolas, ponds, barbecues and garden furniture
  • 检查树木以评估其状况并确定治疗方案;examining trees to assess their condition and determine treatment
  • 剪掉树枝,用链锯和手锯塑造树枝;lopping limbs off trees and shaping branches using chain and handsaws
  • 喷洒和喷洒植物和树木,以控制昆虫和疾病,并砍伐患病的树木。spraying and dusting plants and trees to control insects and disease, and felling diseased trees


  • 与客户讨论和规划设计方案;discuss and develop designs with clients
  • 阅读和解释规划,与景观设计师讨论设计概念;read and interpret plans and discuss design concepts with landscape architects
  • 做基本的规划设计工作和种植计划;do basic planning and design work, and planting plans
  • 计算建筑成本,如劳动力和材料;calculate construction costs such as labour and materials
  • 选择种子、鳞茎和植物,然后种植它们;select seeds, bulbs and plants and plant these
  • 建造甲板、围栏、墙壁和庭院,铺设铺路;construct decking, fencing, walls and courtyards, and lay down paving
  • 安装花园照明、灌溉设备和装饰。install garden lighting, irrigation and ornaments.

和园丁一样,景观园丁也并没有特别的学历要求,驾照是需要的。不过,相似地,修读园林学的技能型学历,如证书、大专课程将更受到雇主欢迎。此外,Primary ITO也提供景观园丁的学徒项目。



  • 充分利用行业社交机会,参加新西兰园艺协会Landscaping New Zealand (LIANZ)组织的各类活动;
  • 通过电话直接与潜在雇主取得联系,或者争取面谈机会;
  • 在春/夏积极求职,行业需求更高求职机会更多。






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  • Jing
    Jing 16/11/2018 09:27
