- ANZSCO详细职业描述
- 对应学历与推荐学校
- 新西兰就业情况
- 短缺行业
- 顾问主观评论
- 用于诊断和监测心脏、肾脏、神经系统和听力障碍以及麻醉的操作设备;operating equipment used in diagnosing and monitoring disorders of the heart, kidneys, nervous system and hearing, and in anaesthesia
- 承担并协助医学分析程序,协助麻醉师和外科团队;undertaking and assisting with medical analytical procedures and assisting Anaesthetists and surgical teams
- 记录心脏的电活动,从中测量心率,解释模式和节奏;recording the electrical activity of the heart, from which the heart rate is measured and pattern and rhythm interpreted
- 采集、收集和标记患者的血液、尿液和其他样本;taking, collecting and labelling blood, urine and other samples from patients
- 为血液和组织学检查准备和染色切片和组织切片;preparing and staining slides and tissue sectionsfor blood and histological examination
- 对组织和体液进行诊断测试,分析血液、尿液、粪便和组织的化学成分;performing diagnostic tests on tissues and body fluids and analysing the chemical constituents of blood, urine, faeces and tissues
- 通过在样本中寻找抗体和免疫反应产物来检测疾病;testing for diseases by looking for the presence of antibodies and the products of immune response in samples
- 设置、检查和维护手术室、麻醉工作站、生命维持设备和相关设备;setting up, checking and maintaining operating theatres, anaesthetic workstations, life support machines and associated equipment
- 向药剂师推荐处方并协助配药。referring prescriptions to Pharmacists and assisting in preparing medications
- 标记样本并收集患者数据;label samples and collect patient data
- 向计算机输入数据;input data into computers
- 安抚患者和献血者;reassure patients and blood donors
- 采集血液和其他样本,如血浆和皮肤;take blood and other samples such as plasma and skin
- 照顾病人如果他们有不良反应;look after patients if they have an adverse reaction
- 外勤工作以收集患者的样本;travel to collect samples from patients
- 过敏测试;test for allergies
- 维护机器和订单供应;maintain machinery and order supplies
- 驾驶血库收集车;drive a blood bank collection vehicle
- 宣传和参加献血活动;publicise and attend blood donation events
- 提供一线客户服务。provide front-line customer service.
成为刺胳医师(采血员),需在『Medical Sciences Council of New Zealand』完成『Medical Laboratory Pre-Analytical Technician』的职业注册。医学实验室课程主要提供学校包括:AUT大学,梅西大学,奥塔哥大学;各等级学历均提供。
- 在认可的实验室作为实习采血员工作至少两年;
- 完成学院实验员委员会认可的学历,包括通过采血员考试(NZIMLS每年一次)Qualified Medical Laboratory Pre-Analytical Technician (QMLPAT) Phlebotomy certificate 或者其他认可的本科学历;
- 拥有新西兰全驾照。
- 成为注册护士;
- 在人口较多的城市求职;
- 直接联系有相关业务的实验室;
- 拥有较好的客服经验;
- 愿意在测试量较大的早上兼职工作。
- 新西兰人口老年化,将会有更多的老年人需要医学测试;
- 随着保健意识的提升,对医学测试的需求也会增加;
- 目前在职的刺胳医师(采血员)人员老化陆续退休,将需要更多的新鲜血液。
- 医院;
- 私立实验室;
- 新西兰血液服务中心。
无长期的专业学历,无法作为留学生专门就读。可在就读lab sicence课程时通过采血员考试。但本科毕业后做此职业over-qualified.