• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论


  • 确定、实施和监控采购、存储和分销策略、政策和计划;determining, implementing and monitoring purchasing, storage and distribution strategies, policies and plans
  • 准备和执行计划,以最低成本维持所需的库存水平;preparing and implementing plans to maintain required stock levels at minimum cost
  • 与供应商就合同进行谈判,以满足质量、成本和交货要求;negotiating contracts with suppliers to meet quality, cost and delivery requirements
  • 监控和审查库存系统,以满足供应要求和控制库存水平;monitoring and reviewing storage and inventory systems to meet supply requirements and control stock levels
  • 操作记录系统,跟踪所有供应品和成品的移动,确保在最佳时间重新订购和进货;operating recording systems to track all movements of supplies and finished goods, and ensuring re-ordering and re-stocking at optimal times
  • 与其他部门和客户就出口货物和相关运输要求进行沟通;liaising with other departments and customers concerning requirements for outward goods and associated forwarding transportation
  • 监督采购、存储和分销交易的记录;overseeing the recording of purchase, storage and distribution transactions
  • 指导员工活动并监控他们的表现;directing staff activities and monitoring their performance
  • 提供满足客户要求的产品和服务。provision of products and services to meet customer or client requirements




  • 与供应商和供应商谈判合同、政策和期限。Negotiate contracts, policies and deadlines with suppliers and vendors.
  • 根据产品和供应商监控价格,以预测和解释财务波动。Monitor prices by product and vendor to predict and account for financial fluctuations.
  • 管理货物和供应的流动,优化生产,分析和调整内部政策。Manage flow of goods and supplies for optimum production, analyzing and adapting internal policies.
  • 准备和处理采购订单和采购申请单,并维护采购文件。Prepare and process purchase orders and purchase requisitions, and maintain documentation of the acquisition of goods.
  • 管理员工和供应商,确保产品和货物及时到达。Manage staff and vendors for timely arrival of products and goods.




获得下述之一,英国特许采购与供应学会United Kingdom Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (CIPS)提供的资质:

  • CIPS Level 6 Graduate Diploma in Purchasing and Supply (Professional Stage)
  • CIPS Level 6 Graduate Diploma in Purchasing and Supply
  • CIPS Level 6 Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply



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  • Jing
    Jing 23/11/2018 12:28
