- ANZSCO详细职业描述
- 对应学历与推荐学校
- 新西兰就业情况
- 短缺行业
- 顾问主观评论
- 制定、实施和监控生产战略、政策和计划;determining, implementing and monitoring production strategies, policies and plans
- 根据产出、质量和数量、成本、可用时间和劳动力要求,规划生产活动的细节;planning details of production activities in terms of output quality and quantity, cost, time available and labour requirements
- 通过计划维修,指定工作时间和提供零件和工具来控制生产工厂的运作和质量程序;controlling the operation of production plant and quality procedures through planning of maintenance, designation of operating hours and supply of parts and tools
- 监控生产产出和成本,调整生产流程和资源,使成本最小化;monitoring production output and costs, and adjusting processes and resources to minimise costs
- 向其他经理通报生产情况;informing other Managers about production matters
- 监督新工厂和设备的购置和安装;overseeing the acquisition and installation of new plant and equipment
- 指导生产方法的研究,并建议和实施计划;directing research into production methods, and recommending and implementing initiatives
- 控制生产记录和报告的编制;controlling the preparation of production records and reports
- 协调职业健康安全要求的实施;coordinating the implementation of occupational health and safety requirements
- 指导员工活动并监控其表现。directing staff activities and monitoring their performance
- 规划和指导林场经营或新的林场开发,包括种植、修剪、木材生长测量和采树;plan and direct forest operations or new forest developments, including planting, pruning, forest growth measurement and tree harvesting
- 管理从事林场经营的林场承包商;manage forestry contractors carrying out forest operations
- 管理林场经营的商务和财务;manage the business and financial side of forest operations
- 就木材在国内的销售以及出口业务进行营销与谈判;market and negotiate log sales to domestic and export log processors
- 分析财务决策,计算林场经营的成本效益,并提出建议;analyse financial decisions and work out the cost-benefit of forest operations and make recommendations
- 确保达到或超过健康、安全和环境的最低标准;ensure health, safety and environmental minimum standards are met or exceeded
- 监控林场木材的生长和健康、安全、防火和其他维护活动。monitor forest growth and health, security, fire prevention, and other maintenance activities.
在行业内,要成为生产经理(林业),雇主一般希望求职者具备林业相关的学历背景,包括:To become a forest manager you need to have either:
- 中部理工Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology的6级林业管理大专Diploma in Forest Management (Level 6) ;
- 坎特伯雷大学的林业科学或林业工程本科或以上级别学历。
- 自20世纪90年代集中开始的私人林场的种植与培育已经到了收获期,需要大量生产经理(林业)完成林场的收割与重新种植。
- 部分在职生产经理(林业)已经到达退休年龄,需要新鲜血液补充队伍。
- 新西兰政府加大了对林场开发与可持续发展的投入,需要更多生产经理(林业)监督生产。
- 专业林场管理公司;
- 拥有林场的私人公司;
- 大型林场承包商。