- ANZSCO详细职业描述
- 对应学历与推荐学校
- 新西兰就业情况
- 短缺行业
- 顾问主观评论
- 管理艺术和媒体产品以满足质量、成本和时间要求;managing artistic and media productions to meet quality, cost and timing specifications
- 制定和发展组织的艺术政策,选择和策划组织的艺术项目;formulating and developing organisations’ artistic policies and selecting and planning organisations’ artistic programs
- 招聘和管理艺术人员;hiring and managing artistic staff
- 控制演播室、剪辑设备、舞台、电影设备、排练时间等媒体制作设备的使用;controlling the use of media production facilities such as studios and editing equipment, stage and film equipment and rehearsal time
- 指导媒体制作策略、政策和计划的制定;directing the formulation of media production strategies, policies and plans
- 介绍节目、音乐、娱乐项目、客人和名人;introducing programs, music, entertainment items, guests and celebrities
- 为体育和其他活动准备和阅读新闻简报,做特别的公告和提供评论;preparing and reading news bulletins, making special announcements and providing commentary for sports and other events
- 就体育、政治、社会和经济事务发表意见;presenting opinions on sports, politics, and social and economic matters
- 研究,调查和编辑故事和节目。researching, investigating and compiling stories and programs
- 研究并准备节目和面试;research and prepare for programmes and interviews
- 准备脚本;prepare scripts
- 主持访谈或脱口秀;host interviews or talkback shows
- 操作工作室设备;operate studio equipment
- 选择并播放节目和音乐;select and play programmes and music
- 通过社交媒体、电子邮件和电话与观众沟通;communicate with the audience via social media, email and telephone
- 将内容转换为音频;turn content into video
- 打开或关闭广播时,在社交媒体上分享内容;share content on social media when on or off air
- 阅读新闻、体育或天气预报;read news, sports or weather reports
- 提供现场活动的评论;provide a commentary on live events
- 与广告客户进行广告访谈(软文);present advertisement interviews (advertorials) with advertising clients
- 举办社区活动和比赛等外部活动。host outside events such as community events and competitions.

只有少数的电台主持人是全职工作,大部分电台主持人是兼职身份。新西兰的主要雇主包括:MediaWorks以及Radio New Zealand。此外,新西兰的华人媒体也有几家开办中文广播电台,不过鲜少有全职的电台主持人职位。