• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论

该职业归于2312 Marine Transport Professionals 海洋运输专业人员职业小组下,小组下的职业共有以下具体描述:

  • 利用所学物种搜寻,捕鱼区域、捕鱼季节及船舶捕鱼能力相关知识,指导捕捞作业;directing fishing operations by using knowledge about the species sought, fishing areas, seasons and the capabilities of the vessel and crew
  • 指导工作人员在不同区域利用渔网鱼竿及诱捕器捕鱼、软体动物及甲壳动物;directing crew in catching fish, molluscs and crustacea at varying depths using nets, lines, poles, pots and traps
  • 计划,控制并协调船舶推进装置,内部设施设备的操作及维护要求;planning, controlling and coordinating the operational and maintenance requirements of a ship’s propulsion and domestic plant and equipment
  • 操作设备并对船舶系统进行日常维护包括机械、电力、水力、气力、蒸汽、防火及控制系统等;operating plant and equipment and performing routine maintenance on ship’s systems including mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, steam generating, and fire prevention and control systems
  • 控制并指导船舶操作保证安全有效卸载运输货物及乘客;controlling and directing shipping operations to ensure the safe and efficient loading and transport of cargo and passengers
  • 遵守海上安全条例,保护海洋环境;ensuring compliance with regulations pertaining to safety at sea and protection of the marine environment
  • 带领甲板人员完成导航任务、停泊、离泊,对艏楼修理、清理、油漆,并对有瑕疵的甲板设备及船具进行修换;directing the activities of the deck crew for navigational support tasks, berthing and unberthing, maintenance, cleaning and painting of superstructures, and repair and replacement of defective deck gear and equipment
  • 根据设定的路线计划和安全程序,通过监控轮船路线和速度,驾驶轮船;navigating a ship by supervising the ship’s course and speed according to predetermined passage plans and safety procedures
  • 检查一些设备设计方案,设备包括推进发动机、船舶辅助锅炉、汽轮机、电动装置、制冷及空调设备,还有输送系统;examining and approving design plans of hulls and equipment such as main propulsion engines, auxiliary boilers and turbines, electrical power generating plant, refrigeration and airconditioning plant and pumping systems
  • 定期检验轮船的寿命以确保符合标准。conducting periodic surveys throughout a ship’s life to ensure standards are maintained

申请人需要完成 Marine Engineer Class Certificate of Competency

完成Certificates of Competency at Marine Engineer Class 6 (Level 4)的学历可以从事小型船只的工程

Classes 6, 5 and 4针对新西兰境内;Classes3、2和1覆盖国际

New Zealand Maritime School是目前唯一可以接收国际学生的学校

New Zealand Certificate in Marine Engineering Class 6 (Level 4) with strand in Marine Engineering Class 5 Also known as MEC6 or MEC5

New Zealand Diploma in Marine Electro-Technology (Level 6)

New Zealand Diploma in Marine Engineering (Level 6)

Marine Engineer Class 2 and Marine Engineer Class 1 (Level 7)





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  • Nick
    Nick 05/09/2018 07:48
