Dispensing Optician – 眼镜配制技师
解释光学处方,并配合和服务于眼镜架和镜片等光学设备。可能需要注册或许可。Interprets optical prescriptions, and fits and services optical appliances such as spectacle frames and lenses. Registration or licensing may be required.
解释光学处方,并配合和服务于眼镜架和镜片等光学设备。可能需要注册或许可。Interprets optical prescriptions, and fits and services optical appliances such as spectacle frames and lenses. Registration or licensing may be required.
为演员、表演者和其他表演艺术家设计妆面,并完成化妆。Designs and applies make up to actors, presenters and other performing artists.
为客户提供剪发、造型、染发、拉直、卷烫,以及头发和头皮护理服务。Cuts, styles, colours, straightens and permanently waves hair, and treats hair and scalp conditions.
按照处方要求,操作机器研磨、抛光光学镜片,并且适配镜框。Operates machines to grind, polish and surface optical lenses to meet prescription requirements, and fits lenses to spectacle frames.