- ANZSCO详细职业描述
- 对应学历与推荐学校
- 新西兰就业情况
- 短缺行业
- 顾问主观评论
- 学习剧本和场景,确定主题和场景设置;studying scripts and scenarios to determine theme and setting
- 与专业设计师一起评估节目制作的位置和阶段需求;assessing locations and staging requirements for productions in association with specialist designers
- 监督电影、电视、广播和舞台制作的创意方面;overseeing creative aspects of film, television, radio and stage productions
- 确定灯光、胶卷、快门角度、滤镜因素、相机距离、景深和焦距、视角等变量,以达到预期的情绪和效果;determining lighting, film, shutter angles, filter factors, camera distance, depth of field and focus, angles of view and other variables to achieve desired mood and effect
- 观看电影和录像带,评估和选择场景,并确定哪些场景需要重新拍摄;viewing film and video tape to evaluate and select scenes and determine which scenes need to be re-shot
- 策划和组织项目的准备和演示;planning and organising the preparation and presentation of programs
- 监督布景、道具、灯光音响设备的摆放;supervising the positioning of scenery, props and lighting and sound equipment
- 通过学习剧本,与制作团队讨论节目内容,设定地点和舞台方向,评估制作的技术要求;assessing technical requirements of productions by studying scripts and discussing program content, set locations and stage directions with production team
- 创建、计划、编写脚本、录制、录像和编辑程序。creating, planning, writing scripts for, recording, videotaping and editing programs
- 剪辑素材并与声音文件匹配;arrange footage and match with sound files
- 与导演和制片人合作,决定哪些镜头被剪掉或保留;decide which shots are cut out or kept, in collaboration with the director and producer
- 编辑镜头到一个粗略的版本;edit shots into a rough version
- 色彩校正素材;colour correct the footage
- 制作原声带,添加任何音乐或音效;work on the soundtrack, adding any music or sound effects
- 添加图形和标题;add graphics and titles
- 监督图像和声音的最终混合;supervise the final mix of images with sound
- 与客户、记者、作家、导演和制片人一起观看电影或视频。view films or videos with clients, journalists, writers, directors and producers.