Financial Investment Manager – 金融投资经理

代表他人在约定的时间内投资和管理一定数额的资金和资产,以产生收入和利润。需要注册或许可。Invests and manages sums of money and assets on behalf of others over an agreed period of time, in order to generate income and profit. Registration or licensing is required.


Financial Investment Adviser – 金融投资顾问

为个人或机构制订及执行财务计划,并就投资策略及其税务影响、证券、保险、退休金计划及房地产提供意见。需要注册或许可。Develops and implements financial plans for individuals or organisations, and advises on investment strategies and their taxation implications, securities, insurance, pension plans and real estate. Registration or licensing is required.

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Financial Brokers nec – 其他金融经纪人

该职位包括了在2221金融经纪人职业小组中未例出的其他相关职位,比如投资经纪。需要注册或牌照。This occupation group covers Financial Brokers not elsewhere classified. Registration or licensing may be required.


Insurance Broker – 保险代理

作为一个独立的代理人为一系列保险公司销售人寿保险、火灾保险、意外保险、工业保险或其他形式的保险。需要注册或许可。Operates as an independent agent to sell life, fire, accident, industrial or other forms of insurance for a range of insurance companies. Registration or licensing is required.


Finance Broker – 财务代理

在财务谈判过程中作为一个独立的代理人,代表客户安排贷款。需要注册或许可。Operates as an independent agent in the course of financial negotiations and arranges loans of money on behalf of clients. Registration or licensing is required.


Commodities Trader – 商品交易员

作为一个独立的代理商,将商品的买家和卖家联系在一起,协商私下销售,并通过固定的市场地点安排销售。Operates as an independent agent to bring together buyers and sellers of commodities, negotiates private sales and arranges sales through established market places.


Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers nec – 餐饮、零售、服务经理 其他类




Equipment Hire Manager – 设备租赁经理

组织和控制向建筑和工程建设、政府、采矿和资源、制造、维修、特殊活动等领域的公司和个人出租设备的机构的运作。Organises and controls the operations of an establishment engaged in the hiring out of equipment to companies involved in areas such as building and engineering construction, government, mining and resources, manufacturing, maintenance, special events, and to individuals for personal use.


Financial Institution Branch Manager – 金融机构分行经理

组织和控制银行、建房互助会、信用社或类似金融机构的分行的一般业务活动。Organises and controls the general operational activities of a branch of a bank, building society, credit union or similar financial institution.


Facilities Manager – 设施经理

组织、控制及协调公营及私营机构的楼宇及设施的策略及运作管理,以确保设施各方面的运作正确及有效,为住户创造及维持安全及具生产力的环境。Organises, controls and coordinates the strategic and operational management of buildings and facilities in a public and private organisations to ensure the proper and efficient operation of all physical aspects of a facility, to create and sustain safe and productive environments for occupants.
